9 Ways to Ease Digestive Discomfort in Aging Dogs

Dietary Adjustments: Switch to easily digestible foods with balanced nutrition to alleviate digestive strain.

Frequent, Small Meals: Offer smaller portions more frequently to aid digestion and prevent overloading the system.

Hydration: Ensure your dog drinks enough water to support digestion and prevent constipation

Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes: Supplements can help maintain gut health and aid in nutrient absorption.

Regular Exercise: Gentle activity promotes bowel movement and overall digestive health.

Stress Management: Minimize stressors as they can impact digestion; provide a calm environment.

Veterinary Check-ups: Regular visits help monitor and address any digestive issues promptly.

Medication Review: Some medications may affect digestion; consult with your vet to adjust as needed.

Natural Remedies: Consider natural options like pumpkin or slippery elm to soothe the digestive tract.

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