The Nine Longest Living Animals On Earth

Rougheye Rockfish

Rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) are one of the longest living fish and have a maximum lifespan of at least 205 years

Freshwater Pearl Mussel

The oldest known freshwater pearl mussel was 280 years old, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Greenland Shark

Greenland sharks live deep in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans.A study estimated that these sharks can have a maximum lifespan of at least 272 years.


Tubeworms are invertebrates that have long lifespans in the cold, stable environment of the deep sea.Tubeworms lives up to 200 years, and some specimens survive for more than 300 years.

Ocean Quahog Clam

Ocean quahog clamsinhabit the North Atlantic Ocean.One ocean quahog clam found off the coast of Iceland in 2006 was 507 years old.

Black Coral

Black coral specimens found off the coast of Hawaii have been measured to be 4,265 years old

Glass Sponge

Sponges are made up of colonies of animals, similar to corals, and can also live for thousands of years.

Turritopsis Dohrnii

Turritopsis dohrnii are called immortal jellyfish because they can potentially live forever.


Hydra is a group of small invertebrates with soft bodies that look a bit like jellyfish. Like Turritopsis dohrnii, Hydras also have the potential to live forever.

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