8 Of The Most Endangered Species In The World

White Rhino

There are two subspecies of the White Rhino — the northern white rhino and the southern white rhino —  and they both are found in Africa. Poaching has led to a decline in rhino numbers.

Mountain Plover

Because they only nest on bare ground or areas with sparse vegetation, such as prairie dog towns, the loss of these areas due to crop planting is their biggest threat.

Plains Bison

These magnificent creatures date back to the Ice Age and at one point in time, there were more than 30 million living in North America.


Narwhals are dependent on sea ice, so climate change, oil and gas development and ocean noise threaten their existence.


Found in the Amazon and Pantanal, these cats require large areas of rainbank and rainforest in order to survive.


Found in the arctic, the beluga whales have distinctive bulbous foreheads that makes it easy for them to make a variety of different facial expressions

Albacore Tuna

Traveling across the oceans and the Mediterranean Sea, the albacore tuna can live for up to 12 years and grow up to 12 feet (3.7 meters) long.

Whale Shark

Whale sharks—the largest fish in the world—are protected from fishing. They pose a concern since their meat, fins, and oil are still prized.

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