9 Animals with the Shortest Lifespans

9 Animals with the Shortest Lifespans

Mayfly: The adult mayfly lives for only a few hours to a few days, with the shortest lifespan among insects.

Gastrotrich: These microscopic marine animals live for just a few days to weeks, depending on environmental conditions.

Housefly: Typically lives for around 15 to 30 days, influenced by temperature and food availability.

Mosquito: Most species of mosquitoes live for about 2 weeks to a month, although some can live up to several months.

Cicada: Depending on the species, cicadas can live for 2 to 17 years underground as nymphs, emerging as adults for just a few weeks to mate and lay eggs.

Pacific Salmon: After spawning, Pacific salmon typically die within a few weeks due to the intense physiological stress of reproduction.

Annual Killifish: These fish live in seasonal ponds that dry up periodically, so their entire lifespan can be as short as a few months.

Chameleon: Many chameleon species live for only 1 to 2 years, with some smaller species having even shorter lifespans.

Giant Pacific Octopus: Despite being one of the longest-lived octopus species, with individuals occasionally living up to 5 years, their lifespan is relatively short compared to other large marine animals.

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