9 Ways To Help Wildlife In Your Garden


This fragrant Mediterranean shrub attracts bumblebees, hoverflies, and honey bees. This lovely ground-hugging shrub is ideal for gravel gardens or containers.


Rosemary is a hardy Mediterranean shrub with silvery evergreen foliage. With its long flowering season, it’s great for pollinators, and a big hit with bumblebees.

Crab Apple

The gorgeous sight of apple blossom in April is one of the joys of spring, but it’s also a fantastic source of nectar for queen bumblebees coming out of hibernation.


They are one one of the best plants for pollinators because the nectar is so easily accessible, right there in the central disc with the petals surrounding it.

Red Valerian

Extremely long-flowering and attractive to butterflies, valerian are some of the prettiest wildflower meadow plants there are.

Verbena Bonariensis

This 5ft (1.5m) tall, graceful plant is well-known for attracting butterflies. Its flat flowers are perfect as a drive-thru snack for hungry pollinators.


If you want to know how to grow a butterfly garden, our advice is to add this pollinator-friendly plant to your list as buddlejas are irresistible to butterflies.


Butterflies and bees just love abelia, making it one of the top plants for pollinators. This trouble-free semi-evergreen shrub is a bonus, as it blooms in late summer

Sedum Spectabile

Sedum nectar attracts butterflies and bees in late summer. Its hundreds of small pink or rusty-red blossoms look beautiful in dim sunlight. 

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