How Our Bodies Tell Us When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Decreased Appetite and Thirst: As the body begins to shut down, the need for food and water diminishes, and the desire to eat and drink decreases significantly.

Fatigue and Sleep: Increased sleep and difficulty waking up are common as the body conserves energy and prepares for the end.

Labored Breathing: Changes in breathing patterns, including irregular breaths, long pauses, and shallow breaths, indicate the body’s declining function.

Coolness and Discoloration: Extremities like hands, feet, and knees may become cool to the touch and develop a bluish or mottled appearance due to decreased circulation.

Confusion and Disorientation: Mental confusion, hallucinations, and disorientation occur as the brain receives less oxygen and blood flow.

Withdrawal and Unresponsiveness: The person may withdraw from social interactions and become less responsive to the environment, focusing inward.

Decreased Urine Output: Reduced kidney function leads to a decrease in urine output and changes in its color, indicating the body’s declining ability to process fluids.

Restlessness and Agitation: Physical restlessness or agitation, sometimes called terminal restlessness, can occur as the body and mind struggle in the final stages of life.

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