The 8 longest-living animals on the planet

Greenland Shark: Known to live for over 400 years, making it one of the longest-living vertebrates.

Bowhead Whale: Can live over 200 years, with some individuals estimated to be over 200 years old.

Ocean Quahog: A type of clam that can live over 500 years, with the oldest recorded specimen being around 507 years old.

Red Sea Urchin: Can live up to 200 years, making it one of the longest-living invertebrates.

Galápagos Tortoise: Some species can live over 150 years, with the oldest recorded tortoise, Jonathan, currently estimated to be over 190 years old.

Koi Fish: Can live over 200 years, with some specimens living for several decades in controlled environments.

Asian Elephant: Known to live up to 60-70 years in the wild, with some individuals reaching over 80 years in captivity.

Macaw Parrot: Certain species, such as the Blue and Gold Macaw, can live up to 60-80 years in captivity with proper care.

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